he decommission and demolition of existing petrol filling station including canopy and shop structures and the design and construction of a new six pump petrol filing station including 2no. 75,000 litre fuel storage tanks, shop unit, jet wash and all associated works.
Broham Forecourts were the Principal Contractor also responsible for construction design/ implementation including:
- All demolitions, remediation and other site preparations.
- All structural elements including fuel tank installations, (fuel tank excavations/temporary works, tank base slab and ballast), canopy foundations and forecourt pavings.
- Wherever possible and in accordance with ASDA’s waste management targets, consideration should be given to retaining on site material arisings to form landscape. Embankments/landscaped features etc to avoid/reduce waste disposal off site.
- Fuel installations including tank location, depth, fuel distribution pipework layout and specification to achieve minimum guaranteed fuel flow rate at dispenser delivery of 40 litres/minute.
- Co-ordination and all works associated with installation of new incoming supplies as defined in this document.
- Design/installation of service distribution within the site.
- Foul and Surface water drainage including gaining of approvals from Environment Agencies etc.
- Design, submission and gaining approvals for Building regulations/Warrants.
- Discharge of Planning Approval Conditions.